Academia Publications
and Book Distributor
Author Mark Tedesco

Mark Tedesco's books are available at fine bookstores or can be ordered online.

Stories from Puglia: Two Californians in Southern Italy
Stories from Puglia: Two Californians in Southern Italy captures some of the spirit of a region that is becoming more known as its history, beauty, and culture casts its spell on visitors and locals. The reader is along for the ride through a magical region that breaks one's stereotypes, enchants one's senses, and captures one's heart.

She Seduced Me: A Love Affair with Rome
She Seduced Me is that rare book in which the reader becomes part of a magical world in which places, monuments and artists come alive through their stories. In this case, however, that world is Rome and the reader becomes a participant in the ebb and flow of the city and gains insight into why so many have fallen in love with Rome despite its faults.

I am John I am Paul: A Story of Two Soldiers in Ancient Rome
“I am John, I am Paul” is a work of historical fiction by Mark Tedesco. The book transports the reader to 4th century Rome and follows the real lives of soldiers John and Paul, who lived in the eras of emperors Constantine and Julian. Tedesco’s writing is visual, enabling the reader to experience life in Ancient Rome, Alexandria, and Germania.
Lessons and Beliefs: Learning to Love
Beginning with beliefs and ending with lessons learned, Mark Tedesco's latest journey takes the reader on a quest for healthy love. Sometimes a roller coaster and other times a gentle ride, this work speaks to every person, man and woman, who has ever sought out another as the object of affection.

That Undeniable Longing: My Journey To and From the Priesthood
This is the engrossing story of the one man's struggle with himself and the church, resulting in a redemptive happiness and peace. The fascinating memoir begins with the author leaving his home in California at the age of nineteen to enter a seminary on the outskirts of Rome, and concludes with the author discovering that the flesh and spirit do not have to be at war, but that the journey towards fulfillment can result in a sense of completeness.

The Dog on the Acropolis
ISBN-13: 978-0578214368
A family living in Greece at the time of the construction of the Parthenon and another family, thousands of years later, eking out a living at the base of the Acropolis. The repercussions of the meeting of man and dog would unfold in unforeseen ways that would impact the lives around them.

The Words of My Father
ISBN- 1955368287
The Words of My Father captures the nightly dialogue between a father and son before the boy falls asleep. Every evening, before tucking him in, Giuseppe tells his son stories, some from his own life, some fictional, which serve to illustrate the phrases which make up the Lord's prayer. The stories transport the boy into far off kingdoms or into his father's childhood where he learns to reflect on the meaning of words and experiences captured by the Lord's Prayer.

Lei mi ha sedotto. Una storia d'amore con Roma
ISBN- 978-8865318232
Lei mi ha sedotto è quel libro raro tramite il quale il lettore entra a far parte di un mondo magico dove luoghi, monumenti e artisti prendono vita attraverso le loro storie. In questo caso quel mondo è Roma e il lettore diventa partecipe della vita della città e scopre perché così tanti si sono innamorati di Lei nonostante alcuni suoi difetti.

Loving, Hoping, Believing
ISBN- 979-8330323210
Poetry expressing passion, love, hope and faith. Intense yet simple verses which reach within the human spirit and hint at the greatness of the human heart. Tedesco's poetry is captivating because it emanates from his humanity as he grapples with those questions that are at the very core of human experience.

Onward: A Life on a Sailboat
"Onward" narrates the story of Jovanny, who, after experiencing a tragedy, decides to embark on a life of adventure on his sailboat. His journey takes him to different parts of the world, from Amalfi, sailing to Santorini, down the Nile, before ending up in Barcelona and beyond. Along the way, he learns valuable life lessons from each destination. The adventure takes the reader through the deserts of Algeria, the contrasting cities of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, and a monastery in the south of France. Each destination uncovers more of what the protagonist is searching for and reveals to him, and the reader, what matters.